Tests completed in 572 milliseconds.
474 assertions of 477 passed, 3 failed.
- Accessibility - All: title is carried over from original element (1)Rerun1 ms
- The title should have been copied over from the original element@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/a11y/selection-tests.js:12:1
- Accessibility - All: aria-expanded reflects the state of the container (2)Rerun1 ms
- The container should not be expanded when it is closed@ 1 ms
- The container should be expanded when it is opened@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/a11y/selection-tests.js:25:1
- Accessibility - All: static aria attributes are present (2)Rerun1 ms
- The container should identify as a combobox@ 1 ms
- The dropdown is considered a popup of the container@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/a11y/selection-tests.js:50:1
- Accessibility - All: the container should be in the tab order (3)Rerun1 ms
- The tab index should allow it to fit in the natural tab order@ 1 ms
- The selection should be dropped out of the tab order when disabled@ 1 ms
- The tab index should be restored when re-enabled@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/a11y/selection-tests.js:69:1
- Accessibility - All: a custom tabindex is copied (3)Rerun1 ms
- The tab index should match the original tab index@ 1 ms
- The selection should be dropped out of the tab order when disabled@ 1 ms
- The tab index should be restored when re-enabled@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/a11y/selection-tests.js:101:1
- Accessibility - All: aria-disabled should reflected disabled state (3)Rerun1 ms
- The tab index should match the original tab index@ 1 ms
- The selection should be dropped out of the tab order when disabled@ 1 ms
- The tab index should be restored when re-enabled@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/a11y/selection-tests.js:134:1
- Accessibility - Single: aria-labelledby should match the rendered container (1)Rerun1 ms
- The rendered selection should label the container@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/a11y/selection-tests.js:168:1
- Data adapters - Array: current gets default for single (2)Rerun1 ms
- There should always be a selected item for array data.@ 1 ms
- The first item should be selected@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/array-tests.js:69:1
- Data adapters - Array: current gets default for multiple (1)Rerun1 ms
- There should be no default selection.@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/array-tests.js:94:1
- Data adapters - Array: current works with existing selections (3)Rerun1 ms
- There should only be one existing selection.@ 0 ms
- The id should be equal to the value of the option tag.@ 0 ms
- The text should be equal to the text of the option tag.@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/array-tests.js:111:1
- Data adapters - Array: current works with selected data (3)Rerun2 ms
- There should only be one option selected.@ 2 ms
- The id should match the original id from the array.@ 2 ms
- The text should match the original text from the array.@ 2 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/array-tests.js:144:1
- Data adapters - Array: select works for single (2)Rerun1 ms
- There should already be a selection@ 0 ms
- The selected value should be the same as the selected id@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/array-tests.js:180:1
- Data adapters - Array: multiple sets the value (2)Rerun1 ms
- nothing should be selected@ 1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/array-tests.js:206:1
- Data adapters - Array: multiple adds to the old value (2)Rerun0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/array-tests.js:227:1
- Data adapters - Array: option tags are automatically generated (1)Rerun0 ms
- An <option> element should be created for each object@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/array-tests.js:247:1
- Data adapters - Array: automatically generated option tags have a result id (1)Rerun2 ms
- <option> default should have a result ID assigned@ 2 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/array-tests.js:262:1
- Data adapters - Array: option tags can receive new data (3)Rerun2 ms
- Only one more <option> element should be created@ 1 ms
- <option> default should have new data@ 1 ms
- <option> One should have new data@ 2 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/array-tests.js:280:1
- Data adapters - Array: optgroup tags can also be generated (2)Rerun1 ms
- An <option> element should be created for the one selectable object@ 1 ms
- An <optgroup> element should be created for the two with children@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/array-tests.js:313:1
- Data adapters - Array: optgroup tags have the right properties (2)Rerun1 ms
- An `<optgroup>` label should match the text property@ 1 ms
- The <optgroup> should have one child under it@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/array-tests.js:334:1
- Data adapters - Array: existing selections are respected on initialization (2)Rerun2 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/array-tests.js:357:1
- Data adapters - Base: current is required (1)Rerun0 ms
- current has no default implementation@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/base-tests.js:9:1
- Data adapters - Base: query is required (1)Rerun0 ms
- query has no default implementation@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/base-tests.js:20:1
- Data adapters - Select - current: current gets default for single (3)Rerun0 ms
- There should only be one selected option@ 0 ms
- The value of the option tag should be the id@ 0 ms
- The text within the option tag should be the text@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/select-tests.js:8:1
- Data adapters - Select - current: current gets default for multiple (1)Rerun0 ms
- Multiple selects have no default selection.@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/select-tests.js:36:1
- Data adapters - Select - current: current gets options with explicit value (3)Rerun1 ms
- There should be one selected option@ 1 ms
- The option value should be the selected id@ 1 ms
- The text should match the text for the option tag@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/select-tests.js:50:1
- Data adapters - Select - current: current gets options with implicit value (3)Rerun1 ms
- There should only be one selected value@ 0 ms
- The id should be the same as the option text@ 0 ms
- The text should be the same as the option text@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/select-tests.js:83:1
- Data adapters - Select - current: select works for single (2)Rerun0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/select-tests.js:113:1
- Data adapters - Select - current: multiple sets the value (2)Rerun0 ms
- nothing should be selected@ 0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/select-tests.js:128:1
- Data adapters - Select - current: multiple adds to the old value (2)Rerun0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/select-tests.js:146:1
- Data adapters - Select - current: duplicates - single - same id on select triggers change (5)Rerun0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
- The value never changed@ 0 ms
- The input event should be triggered@ 0 ms
- The change event should be triggered after the input event@ 0 ms
- The second duplicate is selected, not the first@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/select-tests.js:163:1
- Data adapters - Select - current: duplicates - single - different id on select triggers change (4)Rerun0 ms
- The value changed to the duplicate id@ 0 ms
- The input event should be triggered@ 0 ms
- The change event should be triggered after the input event@ 0 ms
- The second duplicate is selected, not the first@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/select-tests.js:208:1
- Data adapters - Select - current: duplicates - multiple - same id on select triggers change (4)Rerun0 ms
- The value now has duplicates@ 0 ms
- The input event should be triggered@ 0 ms
- The change event should be triggered after the input event@ 0 ms
- The second duplicate is selected, not the first@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/select-tests.js:253:1
- Data adapters - Select - current: duplicates - multiple - different id on select triggers change (4)Rerun0 ms
- The value has the new id@ 0 ms
- The input event should be triggered@ 0 ms
- The change event should be triggered after the input event@ 0 ms
- The second duplicate is selected, not the first@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/select-tests.js:298:1
- Data adapter - Select - query: all options are returned with no term (1)Rerun0 ms
- The number of items returned should be equal to the number of options@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/select-tests.js:345:1
- Data adapter - Select - query: the matcher checks the text (1)Rerun1 ms
- Only the "One" option should be found@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/select-tests.js:359:1
- Data adapter - Select - query: the matcher ignores case (1)Rerun1 ms
- The "One" option should still be found@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/select-tests.js:375:1
- Data adapter - Select - query: no options may be returned with no matches (1)Rerun0 ms
- Only matching items should be returned@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/select-tests.js:391:1
- Data adapter - Select - query: optgroup tags are marked with children (1)Rerun1 ms
- The optgroup element should have children when queried@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/select-tests.js:407:1
- Data adapter - Select - query: empty optgroups are still shown when queried (3)Rerun1 ms
- The empty optgroup element should still be returned when queried@ 1 ms
- The text of the empty optgroup should match the label@ 1 ms
- There should be no children in the empty opgroup@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/select-tests.js:420:1
- Data adapter - Select - query: multiple options with the same value are returned (3)Rerun0 ms
- The duplicate option should still be returned when queried@ 0 ms
- The duplicates should have the same id@ 0 ms
- The duplicates do not have the same text@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/select-tests.js:448:1
- Data adapter - Select - query: data objects use the text of the option (2)Rerun0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/select-tests.js:477:1
- Data adapter - Select - query: select option construction accepts id=0 (zero) value (1)Rerun1 ms
- Built option value should be "0" (zero as a string).@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/select-tests.js:490:1
- Data adapter - Select - query: select option construction accepts id="" (empty string) value (1)Rerun0 ms
- Built option value should be an empty string.@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/select-tests.js:506:1
- Data adapter - Select - query: user-defined types are normalized properly (6)Rerun0 ms
- id property should be equal to text after normalize@ 0 ms
- text property should be equal after normalize@ 0 ms
- id property should be equal after normalize@ 0 ms
- text property should be equal after normalize@ 0 ms
- id property should be equal after normalize@ 0 ms
- text property should be equal after normalize@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/select-tests.js:522:1
- Data adapters - Tags: does not trigger on blank or null terms (6)Rerun1 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/tags-tests.js:15:1
- Data adapters - Tags: white space is trimmed by default (6)Rerun1 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/tags-tests.js:41:1
- Data adapters - Tags: does not create option if text is same but lowercase (3)Rerun1 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/tags-tests.js:67:1
- Data adapters - Tags: does not trigger for additional pages (3)Rerun0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/tags-tests.js:82:1
- Data adapters - Tags: creates tag at beginning (3)Rerun0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/tags-tests.js:97:1
- Data adapters - Tags: tags can be the only result (3)Rerun0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/tags-tests.js:112:1
- Data adapters - Tags: tags are injected as options (4)Rerun0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/tags-tests.js:127:1
- Data adapters - Tags: old tags are removed automatically (6)Rerun1 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/tags-tests.js:146:1
- Data adapters - Tags: insertTag controls the tag location (3)Rerun1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/tags-tests.js:175:1
- Data adapters - Tags: insertTag can be controlled through the options (3)Rerun1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/tags-tests.js:194:1
- Data adapters - Tags: createTag controls the tag object (3)Rerun1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/tags-tests.js:214:1
- Data adapters - Tags: createTag returns null for no tag (1)Rerun1 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/tags-tests.js:236:1
- Data adapters - Tags: the createTag options customizes the function (4)Rerun1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/tags-tests.js:250:1
- Data adaptor - Tokenizer: triggers the select event (2)Rerun2 ms
- The select event should be triggered@ 1 ms
- The callback should have succeeded@ 2 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/tokenizer-tests.js:3:1
- Data adaptor - Tokenizer: createTag can return null (3)Rerun1 ms
- createTag should have been called@ 1 ms
- createTag should have been called@ 1 ms
- The callback should have succeeded@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/tokenizer-tests.js:45:1
- Data adaptor - Tokenizer: createTag returning null does not cut the term (4)Rerun2 ms
- Data should not be null@ 1 ms
- The id should have the quotes@ 1 ms
- The text should not have the quotes@ 1 ms
- The callback should have succeeded@ 2 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/tokenizer-tests.js:94:1
- Data adaptor - Tokenizer: works with multiple tokens given (4)Rerun3 ms
- The select event should be triggered@ 2 ms
- The select event should be triggered@ 2 ms
- The callback should have succeeded@ 2 ms
- The two new tags should have been created@ 2 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/tokenizer-tests.js:173:1
- Data adapters - Maximum input length: 0 never displays the notice (2)Rerun0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/maximumInputLength-tests.js:18:1
- Data adapters - Maximum input length: < 0 never displays the notice (2)Rerun0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/maximumInputLength-tests.js:44:1
- Data adapters - Maximum input length: triggers when input is too long (2)Rerun0 ms
- The event should be triggered.@ 0 ms
- The adapter should not be called@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/maximumInputLength-tests.js:70:1
- Data adapters - Maximum input length: does not trigger when equal (1)Rerun0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/maximumInputLength-tests.js:88:1
- Data adapters - Maximum input length: does not trigger when less (1)Rerun1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/maximumInputLength-tests.js:106:1
- Data adapters - Maximum input length: works with null term (1)Rerun1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/maximumInputLength-tests.js:124:1
- Data adapters - Maximum selection length: 0 never displays the notice (3)Rerun1 ms
- The results should be queried@ 1 ms
- The results should be queried@ 1 ms
- The results should be queried@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/maximumSelectionLength-tests.js:12:1
- Data adapters - Maximum selection length: < 0 never displays the notice (3)Rerun2 ms
- The results should be queried@ 2 ms
- The results should be queried@ 2 ms
- The results should be queried@ 2 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/maximumSelectionLength-tests.js:53:1
- Data adapters - Maximum selection length: triggers when >= 1 selection (2)Rerun1 ms
- The message should be displayed@ 1 ms
- The message should be displayed@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/maximumSelectionLength-tests.js:94:1
- Data adapters - Maximum selection length: triggers after selection (1)Rerun2 ms
- The message should be displayed@ 2 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/maximumSelectionLength-tests.js:129:1
- Data adapters - Minimum input length: 0 never displays the notice (2)Rerun3 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
- okay@ 3 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/minimumInputLength-tests.js:18:1
- Data adapters - Minimum input length: < 0 never displays the notice (2)Rerun1 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/minimumInputLength-tests.js:44:1
- Data adapters - Minimum input length: triggers when input is not long enough (2)Rerun0 ms
- The event should be triggered.@ 0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/minimumInputLength-tests.js:70:1
- Data adapters - Minimum input length: does not trigger when equal (1)Rerun0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/minimumInputLength-tests.js:88:1
- Data adapters - Minimum input length: does not trigger when greater (1)Rerun0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/minimumInputLength-tests.js:106:1
- Data adapters - Minimum input length: works with null term (2)Rerun1 ms
- The event should be triggered@ 1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/data/minimumInputLength-tests.js:124:1
- Dropdown - dropdownCssClass: all classes will be copied if :all: is used (4)Rerun1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/dropdown/dropdownCss-tests.js:13:1
- Dropdown - dropdownCssClass: :all: can be used with other classes (5)Rerun0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/dropdown/dropdownCss-tests.js:28:1
- Dropdown - dropdownCssClass: classes can be passed in as a string (1)Rerun0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/dropdown/dropdownCss-tests.js:44:1
- Dropdown - attachBody - dropdownParent option: can be a selector string (1)Rerun6 ms
- Should be parsed using the selector as a jQuery object@ 6 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/dropdown/dropdownParent-tests.js:3:1
- Dropdown - attachBody - dropdownParent option: can be a jQuery object (1)Rerun0 ms
- Should just take the passed in jQuery object@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/dropdown/dropdownParent-tests.js:32:1
- Dropdown - attachBody - dropdownParent option: defaults to the document body (1)Rerun0 ms
- Should default to wrapping document.body@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/dropdown/dropdownParent-tests.js:61:1
- Dropdown - attachBody - positioning: appends to the dropdown parent (4)Rerun81 ms
- Only the select should be in the container@ 0 ms
- The dropdown should not be placed until after it is opened@ 0 ms
- The dropdown should now be in the container as well@ 81 ms
- The dropdown should be contained within the parent container@ 81 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/dropdown/positioning-tests.js:3:1
- Dropdown - attachBody - positioning: dropdown is positioned down with static margins (3, 1, 4)Rerun11 ms
- The drodpown should not have any offset before it is displayed@ 1 ms
- The dropdown should be forced down@ 3 ms
Expected: | true |
Result: | false |
Source: | at Object.<anonymous> (https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/dropdown/positioning-tests.js:103:12) |
- The offset should be 5px at the top@ 7 ms
Expected: | 24 |
Result: | "131392px" |
Diff: | 24"131392px"
Source: | at Object.<anonymous> (https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/dropdown/positioning-tests.js:108:12) |
- The offset should be 10px on the left@ 11 ms
Expected: | "10px" |
Result: | "18px" |
Diff: | "108px" |
Source: | at Object.<anonymous> (https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/dropdown/positioning-tests.js:114:12) |
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/dropdown/positioning-tests.js:61:1
- Dropdown - attachBody - positioning: dropdown is positioned down with absolute offsets (4)Rerun5 ms
- The drodpown should not have any offset before it is displayed@ 1 ms
- The dropdown should be forced down@ 4 ms
- There should not be an extra top offset@ 5 ms
- There should not be an extra left offset@ 5 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/dropdown/positioning-tests.js:121:1
- Dropdown - attachBody - positioning: dropdown is positioned even when not in document (4)Rerun5 ms
- The drodpown should not have any offset before it is displayed@ 1 ms
- The dropdown should be forced down@ 3 ms
- The offset should be 0px at the top@ 4 ms
- The offset should be 0px on the left@ 5 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/dropdown/positioning-tests.js:179:1
- Dropdown - Search: search box defaults autocomplete to off (1)Rerun1 ms
- The search box has autocomplete disabled@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/dropdown/search-tests.js:15:1
- Dropdown - Search: search box sets autocomplete from options (1)Rerun1 ms
- The search box sets the right autocomplete attribute@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/dropdown/search-tests.js:31:1
- Dropdown - Search - Accessibility: role attribute is set to searchbox (1)Rerun0 ms
- The search box is marked as a search box@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/dropdown/search-a11y-tests.js:16:1
- Dropdown - Search - Accessibility: aria-autocomplete attribute is present (1)Rerun1 ms
- The search box is marked as autocomplete@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/dropdown/search-a11y-tests.js:32:1
- Dropdown - Search - Accessibility: aria-activedescendant should not be set initiailly (1)Rerun1 ms
- The search box should not point to anything when it is first rendered@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/dropdown/search-a11y-tests.js:48:1
- Dropdown - Search - Accessibility: aria-activedescendant should be set after highlight (1)Rerun2 ms
- The search is pointing to the focused result@ 2 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/dropdown/search-a11y-tests.js:65:1
- Dropdown - Search - Accessibility: activedescendant should remove if there is no ID (1)Rerun1 ms
- There is no result for the search to be pointing to@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/dropdown/search-a11y-tests.js:89:1
- Dropdown - Search - Accessibility: aria-activedescendant should be removed when closed (1)Rerun1 ms
- There is no active descendant when the dropdown is closed@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/dropdown/search-a11y-tests.js:111:1
- Dropdown - Search - Accessibility: aria-controls should not be set initiailly (1)Rerun1 ms
- The search box should not point to the results when it is first rendered@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/dropdown/search-a11y-tests.js:131:1
- Dropdown - Search - Accessibility: aria-controls should be set when opened (1)Rerun1 ms
- The search should point to the results when it is opened@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/dropdown/search-a11y-tests.js:148:1
- Dropdown - Search - Accessibility: aria-controls should be removed when closed (1)Rerun1 ms
- There are no results for the search box to point to when it is closed@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/dropdown/search-a11y-tests.js:167:1
- Dropdown - selectOnClose: will not trigger if no results were given (0)Rerun2 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/dropdown/selectOnClose-tests.js:19:1
- Dropdown - selectOnClose: will not trigger if the results list is empty (1)Rerun2 ms
- There should not be any results in the dropdown@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/dropdown/selectOnClose-tests.js:37:1
- Dropdown - selectOnClose: will not trigger if no results here highlighted (2)Rerun2 ms
- There should be one result in the dropdown@ 1 ms
- The result should be the same as the one we appended@ 2 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/dropdown/selectOnClose-tests.js:65:1
- Dropdown - selectOnClose: will trigger if there is a highlighted result (2)Rerun2 ms
- There should be one result in the dropdown@ 1 ms
- The select event should have been triggered@ 2 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/dropdown/selectOnClose-tests.js:104:1
- Dropdown - Stoping event propagation: click event does not propagate (1)Rerun1 ms
- Something went wrong if this failed@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/dropdown/stopPropagation-tests.js:14:1
- Defaults - Ajax: options are merged recursively with default options (2)Rerun0 ms
- Ajax default options are present on the merged options@ 0 ms
- Ajax provided options are present on the merged options@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/options/ajax-tests.js:3:1
- Defaults - Ajax: more than one default option can be changed via set() (2)Rerun0 ms
- Both ajax.delay and ajax.dataType present in defaults@ 0 ms
- Both ajax.delay and ajax.dataType present in defaults@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/options/ajax-tests.js:34:1
- Options - Attributes: no nesting (1)Rerun0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/options/data-tests.js:7:1
- Options - Attributes: with nesting (2)Rerun1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/options/data-tests.js:15:1
- Options - Attributes: overrides initialized data (3)Rerun1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/options/data-tests.js:33:1
- Options - Copying from element: copies disabled attribute when set (1)Rerun1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/options/element-tests.js:7:1
- Options - Copying from element: does not copy disabled attribute when not set (1)Rerun1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/options/element-tests.js:15:1
- Options - Copying from element: disabled attribute does not override disable option (1)Rerun1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/options/element-tests.js:23:1
- Options - Copying from element: disabled option is synchronized back (2)Rerun0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/options/element-tests.js:33:1
- Options - Copying from element: copies multiple attribute when set (1)Rerun0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/options/element-tests.js:45:1
- Options - Copying from element: does not copy multiple attribute when not set (1)Rerun0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/options/element-tests.js:53:1
- Options - Copying from element: multiple attribute does not override multiple option (1)Rerun0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/options/element-tests.js:61:1
- Options - Copying from element: multiple option is synchronized back (2)Rerun0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/options/element-tests.js:71:1
- Options - Copying from element: copies autocomplete attribute when set (1)Rerun0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/options/element-tests.js:83:1
- Options - Copying from element: does not copy autocomplete attribute when not set (1)Rerun0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/options/element-tests.js:97:1
- Options - Copying from element: autocomplete attribute does not override option (1)Rerun0 ms
- organization@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/options/element-tests.js:105:1
- Options - Translations: partial dictonaries are reset when default reset (1)Rerun0 ms
- The partial dictionary should have been reset@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/options/translation-tests.js:14:1
- Options - Translations: default language chain is English (1)Rerun1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/options/translation-tests.js:27:1
- Options - Translations: default translation includes all of the required messages (1)Rerun1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/options/translation-tests.js:38:1
- Options - Translations: partial dictionaries can be passed (2)Rerun1 ms
- The partial dictionary still overrides translations@ 1 ms
- You can still get English translations for keys not passed in@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/options/translation-tests.js:62:1
- Options - Translations: partial dictionaries can be combined with defaults (3)Rerun0 ms
- The partial dictionary still overrides translations@ 0 ms
- The defaults were included in the fallback chain@ 0 ms
- You can still get English translations for keys not passed in@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/options/translation-tests.js:88:1
- Options - Translations: partial dictionaries can used in fallback chains (3)Rerun0 ms
- The partial dictionary still overrides translations@ 0 ms
- The defaults were included in the fallback chain@ 0 ms
- You can still get English translations for keys not passed in@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/options/translation-tests.js:126:1
- Options - Translations: language can be set via the options (1)Rerun1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/options/translation-tests.js:165:1
- Options - Translations: multi-part language is broken out (1)Rerun1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/options/translation-tests.js:178:1
- Options - Translations: default language can be set (1)Rerun1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/options/translation-tests.js:191:1
- Options - Translations: lanugage set via options adds to default chain (1)Rerun0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/options/translation-tests.js:204:1
- Options - Translations: default language chain can be set (1)Rerun0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/options/translation-tests.js:219:1
- Options - Translations: language can be set by lang attr (1)Rerun0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/options/translation-tests.js:232:1
- Options - Translations: language can be inherited by lang attr (1)Rerun1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/options/translation-tests.js:243:1
- Options - Translations: multi-part language can be inherited by lang attr (1)Rerun1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/options/translation-tests.js:254:1
- Options - Translations: lang attr overrides default language (1)Rerun0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/options/translation-tests.js:265:1
- Options - Translations: default language overrides inherited lang attr (1)Rerun1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/options/translation-tests.js:278:1
- Options - Width: string passed as width (1)Rerun0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/options/width-tests.js:8:1
- Options - Width: width from style attribute (1)Rerun0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/options/width-tests.js:16:1
- Options - Width: width from style returns null if nothing is found (1)Rerun0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/options/width-tests.js:24:1
- Options - Width: width from computed element width (1)Rerun14 ms
- okay@ 14 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/options/width-tests.js:32:1
- Options - Width: resolve gets the style if it is there (1)Rerun1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/options/width-tests.js:46:1
- Options - Width: resolve falls back to element if there is no style (1)Rerun4 ms
- okay@ 4 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/options/width-tests.js:54:1
- Options - Width: computedstyle gets the style if parent is invisible (1)Rerun3 ms
- okay@ 3 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/options/width-tests.js:68:1
- Results - Accessibility: role of results should be a listbox (1)Rerun1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/results/a11y-tests.js:9:1
- Results - Accessibility: multiple select should have aria-multiselectable (1)Rerun1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/results/a11y-tests.js:17:1
- Results - highlighting results: results:all with no data skips results:focus (0)Rerun3 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/results/focusing-tests.js:3:1
- Results - highlighting results: results:all triggers results:focus on the first item (2)Rerun2 ms
- okay@ 2 ms
- okay@ 2 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/results/focusing-tests.js:45:1
- Results - highlighting results: results:append does not trigger results:focus (0)Rerun2 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/results/focusing-tests.js:93:1
- Results - highlighting results: scrollAfterSelect triggers results:focus (3)Rerun2 ms
- okay@ 2 ms
- okay@ 2 ms
- okay@ 2 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/results/focusing-tests.js:140:1
- Results - highlighting results: !scrollAfterSelect does not trigger results:focus (1)Rerun2 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/results/focusing-tests.js:192:1
- Results - Infinite scrolling: loadingMore is triggered even without a scrollbar (1)Rerun7 ms
- It tried to load more immediately@ 6 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/results/infiniteScroll-tests.js:3:1
- Results - Infinite scrolling: loadingMore is not triggered without scrolling (0)Rerun5 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/results/infiniteScroll-tests.js:52:1
- Results - option: disabled property on option is respected - enabled (1)Rerun0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/results/option-tests.js:9:1
- Results - option: disabled property on option is respected - disabled (1)Rerun0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/results/option-tests.js:20:1
- Results - option: disabled property on enabled optgroup is respected (1)Rerun0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/results/option-tests.js:31:1
- Results - option: disabled property on disabled optgroup is respected (1)Rerun0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/results/option-tests.js:42:1
- Results - option: option in disabled optgroup is disabled (1)Rerun0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/results/option-tests.js:53:1
- Results - option: options are not selected by default (1)Rerun0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/results/option-tests.js:65:1
- Results - option: options with children are given the group role (1)Rerun1 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/results/option-tests.js:77:1
- Results - option: options with children have the aria-label set (1)Rerun1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/results/option-tests.js:91:1
- Results - option: non-group options are given the option role (1)Rerun1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/results/option-tests.js:106:1
- Selection containers - Placeholders - Allow clear: clear is not displayed for single placeholder (1)Rerun1 ms
- The clear icon should not be displayed@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/allowClear-tests.js:26:1
- Selection containers - Placeholders - Allow clear: clear is not displayed for multiple placeholder (1)Rerun0 ms
- The clear icon should not be displayed@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/allowClear-tests.js:45:1
- Selection containers - Placeholders - Allow clear: clear is displayed for placeholder (1)Rerun1 ms
- The clear icon should be displayed@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/allowClear-tests.js:63:1
- Selection containers - Placeholders - Allow clear: clear icon should have title displayed (1)Rerun1 ms
- The clear icon should have title displayed@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/allowClear-tests.js:83:1
- Selection containers - Placeholders - Allow clear: clicking clear will set the placeholder value (1)Rerun2 ms
- The value should have been reset to the placeholder@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/allowClear-tests.js:103:1
- Selection containers - Placeholders - Allow clear: clicking clear will trigger the unselect event (4)Rerun1 ms
- The event should have been triggered with the data property@ 1 ms
- The data should be an object@ 1 ms
- The data should be the unselected object@ 1 ms
- The previous value should be unselected@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/allowClear-tests.js:132:1
- Selection containers - Placeholders - Allow clear: preventing the unselect event cancels the clearing (1)Rerun1 ms
- The placeholder should not have been set@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/allowClear-tests.js:181:1
- Selection containers - Placeholders - Allow clear: clicking clear will trigger the clear event (5)Rerun1 ms
- The event should have been triggered with the data property@ 1 ms
- The data should be an array@ 1 ms
- The data should contain one item for each value@ 1 ms
- The data should contain unselected objects@ 1 ms
- The previous value should be unselected@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/allowClear-tests.js:214:1
- Selection containers - Placeholders - Allow clear: preventing the clear event cancels the clearing (1)Rerun1 ms
- The placeholder should not have been set@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/allowClear-tests.js:269:1
- Selection containers - Placeholders - Allow clear: clear does not work when disabled (1)Rerun3 ms
- The placeholder should not have been set@ 3 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/allowClear-tests.js:302:1
- Selection containers - Placeholders - Allow clear: clear button doesnt visually break selected options (2)Rerun11 ms
- The height of the two different rows should be different@ 10 ms
- There should be two full lines of selections@ 11 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/allowClear-tests.js:333:1
- Selection containers - Managing focus: close sets the focus to the selection (2)Rerun4 ms
- The selection had focus originally@ 1 ms
- After close, focus must be set to selection@ 4 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/focusing-tests.js:10:1
- Selection containers - Multiple: display uses templateSelection (2)Rerun0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/multiple-tests.js:11:1
- Selection containers - Multiple: templateSelection can addClass (3)Rerun1 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/multiple-tests.js:36:1
- Selection containers - Multiple: empty update clears the selection (1)Rerun1 ms
- There should have been nothing rendered@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/multiple-tests.js:65:1
- Selection containers - Multiple: empty update clears the selection title (1)Rerun1 ms
- The title should be removed if nothing is rendered@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/multiple-tests.js:85:1
- Selection containers - Multiple: update sets the title to the data text (1)Rerun1 ms
- The title should have been set to the text@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/multiple-tests.js:104:1
- Selection containers - Multiple: update sets the title to the data title (1)Rerun1 ms
- The title should have taken precedence over the text@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/multiple-tests.js:125:1
- Selection containers - Multiple: update should clear title for placeholder options (1)Rerun1 ms
- The title should be removed if a placeholder is rendered@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/multiple-tests.js:147:1
- Selection containers - Multiple: update should clear title for options without text (1)Rerun0 ms
- The title should be removed if there is no text or title property@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/multiple-tests.js:169:1
- Selection containers - Multiple: escapeMarkup is being used (1)Rerun0 ms
- The text should be escaped by default to prevent injection@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/multiple-tests.js:190:1
- Selection containers - Multiple: clear button respects the disabled state (2)Rerun1 ms
- There should only be one selection@ 1 ms
- The remove icon is displayed for the selection@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/multiple-tests.js:212:1
- Selection containers - Placeholders: normalizing placeholder ignores objects (1)Rerun0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/placeholder-tests.js:19:1
- Selection containers - Placeholders: normalizing placeholder gives object for string (2)Rerun0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/placeholder-tests.js:35:1
- Selection containers - Placeholders: text is shown for placeholder option on single (1)Rerun1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/placeholder-tests.js:48:1
- Selection containers - Placeholders: placeholder is shown when no options are selected (1)Rerun1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/placeholder-tests.js:63:1
- Selection containers - Inline search: backspace will remove a choice (3)Rerun3 ms
- The search was visible@ 2 ms
- The choice was rendered@ 2 ms
- A choice was unselected@ 2 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/search-tests.js:12:1
- Selection containers - Inline search: backspace will set the search text (3)Rerun2 ms
- The search was visible@ 1 ms
- The choice was rendered@ 1 ms
- The search text was set@ 2 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/search-tests.js:54:1
- Selection containers - Inline search: updating selection does not shift the focus (4)Rerun8 ms
- The search was not visible@ 8 ms
- The search did not have focus originally@ 8 ms
- The search box disappeared@ 8 ms
- The search did not have focus after the selection was updated@ 8 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/search-tests.js:93:1
- Selection containers - Inline search: the focus event shifts the focus (4)Rerun4 ms
- The search had focus originally@ 1 ms
- The search was not visible@ 1 ms
- The search box disappeared@ 4 ms
- The search did not have focus originally@ 4 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/search-tests.js:141:1
- Selection containers - Inline search: search box without text should propagate click (1)Rerun2 ms
- The click event should not have been trapped@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/search-tests.js:193:1
- Selection containers - Inline search: search box with text should not propagate click (0)Rerun1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/search-tests.js:221:1
- Selection containers - Inline search: search box with text should not close dropdown (0)Rerun1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/search-tests.js:250:1
- Selection containers - Inline search: search box defaults autocomplete to off (1)Rerun1 ms
- The search box has autocomplete disabled@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/search-tests.js:279:1
- Selection containers - Inline search: search box sets autocomplete from options (1)Rerun1 ms
- The search box sets the right autocomplete attribute@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/search-tests.js:299:1
- Selection containers - Inline search - Accessibility: role attribute is set to searchbox (1)Rerun1 ms
- The search box is marked as a search box@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/search-a11y-tests.js:12:1
- Selection containers - Inline search - Accessibility: aria-autocomplete attribute is present (1)Rerun1 ms
- The search box is marked as autocomplete@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/search-a11y-tests.js:32:1
- Selection containers - Inline search - Accessibility: aria-activedescendant should not be set initiailly (1)Rerun1 ms
- The search box should not point to anything when it is first rendered@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/search-a11y-tests.js:52:1
- Selection containers - Inline search - Accessibility: aria-activedescendant should be set after highlight (1)Rerun1 ms
- The search is pointing to the focused result@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/search-a11y-tests.js:73:1
- Selection containers - Inline search - Accessibility: activedescendant should remove if there is no ID (1)Rerun1 ms
- There is no result for the search to be pointing to@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/search-a11y-tests.js:101:1
- Selection containers - Inline search - Accessibility: aria-activedescendant should be removed when closed (1)Rerun1 ms
- There is no active descendant when the dropdown is closed@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/search-a11y-tests.js:127:1
- Selection containers - Inline search - Accessibility: aria-controls should not be set initiailly (1)Rerun1 ms
- The search box should not point to the results when it is first rendered@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/search-a11y-tests.js:151:1
- Selection containers - Inline search - Accessibility: aria-controls should be set when opened (1)Rerun1 ms
- The search should point to the results when it is opened@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/search-a11y-tests.js:172:1
- Selection containers - Inline search - Accessibility: aria-controls should be removed when closed (1)Rerun1 ms
- There are no results for the search box to point to when it is closed@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/search-a11y-tests.js:195:1
- Selection containers - Inline search - Placeholder: width does not extend the search box (2)Rerun7 ms
- The search should be the entire width of the container@ 6 ms
- The container should be the width assigned to the parent in CSS@ 7 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/search-placeholder-tests.js:16:1
- Dropdown - selectionCssClass: all classes will be copied if :all: is used (4)Rerun1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/selectionCss-tests.js:13:1
- Dropdown - selectionCssClass: :all: can be used with other classes (5)Rerun1 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/selectionCss-tests.js:28:1
- Dropdown - selectionCssClass: classes can be passed in as a string (2)Rerun1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/selectionCss-tests.js:44:1
- Selection containers - Single: display uses templateSelection (2)Rerun1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/single-tests.js:11:1
- Selection containers - Single: templateSelection can addClass (3)Rerun1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/single-tests.js:36:1
- Selection containers - Single: empty update clears the selection (1)Rerun0 ms
- There should have been nothing rendered@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/single-tests.js:65:1
- Selection containers - Single: empty update clears the selection title (1)Rerun1 ms
- The title should be removed if nothing is rendered@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/single-tests.js:85:1
- Selection containers - Single: update renders the data text (1)Rerun1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/single-tests.js:105:1
- Selection containers - Single: update sets the title to the data text (1)Rerun1 ms
- The title should have been set to the text@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/single-tests.js:121:1
- Selection containers - Single: update sets the title to the data title (1)Rerun0 ms
- The title should have taken precedence over the text@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/single-tests.js:141:1
- Selection containers - Single: update should clear title for placeholder options (1)Rerun0 ms
- The title should be removed if a placeholder is rendered@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/single-tests.js:162:1
- Selection containers - Single: update should clear title for options without text (1)Rerun0 ms
- The title should be removed if there is no text or title property@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/single-tests.js:185:1
- Selection containers - Single: escapeMarkup is being used (1)Rerun0 ms
- The text should be escaped by default to prevent injection@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/single-tests.js:207:1
- Selection containers - Stoping event propagation: click event does not propagate (1)Rerun1 ms
- Something went wrong if this failed@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/stopPropagation-tests.js:14:1
- Selection containers - Open On Key Down: enabled element will open on ENTER (4)Rerun15 ms
- The instance should not be open@ 8 ms
- okay@ 8 ms
- The event's key code (.which) should be set@ 8 ms
- The element should be open@ 14 ms
Source: at testAbled (https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/openOnKeyDown-tests.js:38:3)
at testEnabled (https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/openOnKeyDown-tests.js:68:3)
at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/openOnKeyDown-tests.js:106:1
- Selection containers - Open On Key Down: enabled element will open on SPACE (4)Rerun9 ms
- The instance should not be open@ 4 ms
- okay@ 4 ms
- The event's key code (.which) should be set@ 4 ms
- The element should be open@ 9 ms
Source: at testAbled (https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/openOnKeyDown-tests.js:38:3)
at testEnabled (https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/openOnKeyDown-tests.js:68:3)
at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/openOnKeyDown-tests.js:111:1
- Selection containers - Open On Key Down: enabled element will open on ALT+DOWN (4)Rerun9 ms
- The instance should not be open@ 4 ms
- okay@ 4 ms
- The event's key code (.which) should be set@ 4 ms
- The element should be open@ 9 ms
Source: at testAbled (https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/openOnKeyDown-tests.js:38:3)
at testEnabled (https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/openOnKeyDown-tests.js:68:3)
at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/openOnKeyDown-tests.js:116:1
- Selection containers - Open On Key Down: enabled element will not open on UP (4)Rerun4 ms
- The instance should not be open@ 4 ms
- okay@ 4 ms
- The event's key code (.which) should be set@ 4 ms
- The element should not be open@ 4 ms
Source: at testAbled (https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/openOnKeyDown-tests.js:38:3)
at testEnabled (https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/openOnKeyDown-tests.js:68:3)
at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/openOnKeyDown-tests.js:125:1
- Selection containers - Open On Key Down: enabled element will not open on DOWN (4)Rerun4 ms
- The instance should not be open@ 4 ms
- okay@ 4 ms
- The event's key code (.which) should be set@ 4 ms
- The element should not be open@ 4 ms
Source: at testAbled (https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/openOnKeyDown-tests.js:38:3)
at testEnabled (https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/openOnKeyDown-tests.js:68:3)
at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/openOnKeyDown-tests.js:130:1
- Selection containers - Open On Key Down: enabled element will not open on LEFT (4)Rerun4 ms
- The instance should not be open@ 4 ms
- okay@ 4 ms
- The event's key code (.which) should be set@ 4 ms
- The element should not be open@ 4 ms
Source: at testAbled (https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/openOnKeyDown-tests.js:38:3)
at testEnabled (https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/openOnKeyDown-tests.js:68:3)
at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/openOnKeyDown-tests.js:135:1
- Selection containers - Open On Key Down: enabled element will not open on RIGHT (4)Rerun4 ms
- The instance should not be open@ 4 ms
- okay@ 4 ms
- The event's key code (.which) should be set@ 4 ms
- The element should not be open@ 4 ms
Source: at testAbled (https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/openOnKeyDown-tests.js:38:3)
at testEnabled (https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/openOnKeyDown-tests.js:68:3)
at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/openOnKeyDown-tests.js:140:1
- Selection containers - Open On Key Down: disabled element will not open on ENTER (4)Rerun4 ms
- The instance should not be open@ 4 ms
- okay@ 4 ms
- The event's key code (.which) should be set@ 4 ms
- The element should not be open@ 4 ms
Source: at testAbled (https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/openOnKeyDown-tests.js:38:3)
at testDisabled (https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/openOnKeyDown-tests.js:76:3)
at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/openOnKeyDown-tests.js:150:1
- Selection containers - Open On Key Down: disabled element will not open on SPACE (4)Rerun4 ms
- The instance should not be open@ 4 ms
- okay@ 4 ms
- The event's key code (.which) should be set@ 4 ms
- The element should not be open@ 4 ms
Source: at testAbled (https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/openOnKeyDown-tests.js:38:3)
at testDisabled (https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/openOnKeyDown-tests.js:76:3)
at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/openOnKeyDown-tests.js:155:1
- Selection containers - Open On Key Down: disabled element will not open on ALT+DOWN (4)Rerun6 ms
- The instance should not be open@ 6 ms
- okay@ 6 ms
- The event's key code (.which) should be set@ 6 ms
- The element should not be open@ 6 ms
Source: at testAbled (https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/openOnKeyDown-tests.js:38:3)
at testDisabled (https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/openOnKeyDown-tests.js:76:3)
at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/openOnKeyDown-tests.js:160:1
- Selection containers - Open On Key Down: disabled element will not open on UP (4)Rerun4 ms
- The instance should not be open@ 4 ms
- okay@ 4 ms
- The event's key code (.which) should be set@ 4 ms
- The element should not be open@ 4 ms
Source: at testAbled (https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/openOnKeyDown-tests.js:38:3)
at testDisabled (https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/openOnKeyDown-tests.js:76:3)
at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/openOnKeyDown-tests.js:169:1
- Selection containers - Open On Key Down: disabled element will not open on DOWN (4)Rerun5 ms
- The instance should not be open@ 5 ms
- okay@ 5 ms
- The event's key code (.which) should be set@ 5 ms
- The element should not be open@ 5 ms
Source: at testAbled (https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/openOnKeyDown-tests.js:38:3)
at testDisabled (https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/openOnKeyDown-tests.js:76:3)
at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/openOnKeyDown-tests.js:174:1
- Selection containers - Open On Key Down: disabled element will not open on LEFT (4)Rerun4 ms
- The instance should not be open@ 4 ms
- okay@ 4 ms
- The event's key code (.which) should be set@ 4 ms
- The element should not be open@ 4 ms
Source: at testAbled (https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/openOnKeyDown-tests.js:38:3)
at testDisabled (https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/openOnKeyDown-tests.js:76:3)
at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/openOnKeyDown-tests.js:179:1
- Selection containers - Open On Key Down: disabled element will not open on RIGHT (4)Rerun4 ms
- The instance should not be open@ 4 ms
- okay@ 4 ms
- The event's key code (.which) should be set@ 4 ms
- The element should not be open@ 4 ms
Source: at testAbled (https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/openOnKeyDown-tests.js:38:3)
at testDisabled (https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/openOnKeyDown-tests.js:76:3)
at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/selection/openOnKeyDown-tests.js:184:1
- Utils - GetUniqueElementId: Adds a prefix to the existing ID if one exists (2)Rerun0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/utils/data-tests.js:6:1
- Utils - GetUniqueElementId: Generated random ID is not a number (1)Rerun1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/utils/data-tests.js:15:1
- Utils - RemoveData: The data-select2-id attribute is removed (1)Rerun0 ms
- The internal attribute was not removed when the data was cleared@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/utils/data-tests.js:25:1
- Utils - RemoveData: The internal cache for the element is cleared (1)Rerun0 ms
- The cache should now be empty@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/utils/data-tests.js:37:1
- Utils - RemoveData: Calling it on an element without data works (0)Rerun0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/utils/data-tests.js:49:1
- Decorators: overridden - method (1)Rerun0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/utils/decorator-tests.js:5:1
- Decorators: overridden - constructor (2)Rerun0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/utils/decorator-tests.js:25:1
- Decorators: not overridden - method (1)Rerun1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/utils/decorator-tests.js:50:1
- Decorators: not overridden - constructor (1)Rerun0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/utils/decorator-tests.js:70:1
- Decorators: inherited - method (1)Rerun0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/utils/decorator-tests.js:92:1
- Decorators: inherited - constructor (2)Rerun0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/utils/decorator-tests.js:112:1
- Decorators: inherited - three levels (7)Rerun0 ms
- The base class contructor was called@ 0 ms
- The middle class constructor was called@ 0 ms
- The decorator constructor was called@ 0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/utils/decorator-tests.js:139:1
- Utils - escapeMarkup: text passes through (1)Rerun0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/utils/escapeMarkup-tests.js:5:1
- Utils - escapeMarkup: html tags are escaped (2)Rerun1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
- okay@ 1 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/utils/escapeMarkup-tests.js:12:1
- Utils - escapeMarkup: quotes are killed as well (3)Rerun0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/utils/escapeMarkup-tests.js:20:1
- Utils - escapeMarkup: DocumentFragment options pass through (1)Rerun0 ms
- okay@ 0 ms
Source: at https://show.nstock.com.br/resources/select2/tests/utils/escapeMarkup-tests.js:29:1